Snark Free Sunday

Greetings Camistas! Clamuniards? Clamunists? Let us know what we should call you.

As commanded by the major Abrahamic religions, it’s critical to have a day of rest. A day set apart from the others to recharge our batteries and reflect. For instance we are going to spend most of the afernoon with a big book of clam puns preparing for the week ahead.

too forced?

too forced?

So, let us take this beautiful Sunday and endeavor to revel in the wonder that is life without feeling the need to strike out at others even though they probably richly deserve it. Let’s see what we have in the Clam Box.

Hey! Here are a series of awesome photos from the Mad Hot Ball a couple of weeks ago! Taken by Martin Del Vecchio these are the incredible shots that should have been in the paper but weren’t because… oh yes. Sorry. Forgetting ourselves here. Click the pic to check ’em out!

awesome kids being awesome

awesome kids being awesome

The other thing to take note of, and I’m sure it will be in a wide variety of media but it deserves as much attention as possible, is that our amazing local restaurant Duckworth’s is in the Globe. Click the photo, you can almost taste it.

ohhhhh yes

ohhhhh yes

Duckworths is more than a restaurant, it’s become a hub for writers and lectures from the Eastern Point Lit House [event tonight: Margaret Young leads a discussion on Kurlansky’s The Last Fish Tale] and the way they have created a community between themselves, their staff and Gloucester at large is a testament to our philosophy that we are on this Earth to make cool shit happen.

OK, that’s enough of that. Tomorrow it’s back into the snark tank.

11 thoughts on “Snark Free Sunday

  1. Gloucester Clam without snark is like a steamer still wearing the turtleneck with no butter.

    I would go with Claminista but would the masculine be Claministo? Rubber Duck is cool with Claminista except I left her locked in the car at the auto repair.



  2. good going guys! im so excited for your blogginess! its difficult to type with these clammy ass hands. do you know the band ‘hypnotic clambake’? i think you would enjoy them.


  3. The Clambaste. Wherever two or more persons are gathered together…criticism, information, snark. 🙂

    Plus these essays are FUN, so thank you!


  4. Uhm it’s Monday at 7:48 and I need my dose of clam. Let’s go, chop chop.

    This shit doesn’t stop- feed the beast,

    Topics I’d like to hear The Clam chime in on-

    The Cyclocross Event and it’s impact pro or con on the City of Gloucester.

    If you ever get around to it…

    Have a great day Clammers.

    Oh and someone that digs Clams is a Clammer, So shouldn’t it be Clammer??? I thought that would be totally obvi.


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